Compete in a 120 day recruiting contest brought to you by Workman Success Systems and RE/MAX INTEGRA

Win fabulous prizes not just for recruiting but for doing the activities

A live course producing REAL results!

New Appointments Set
Total New Agreements
Total New Pendings
Total Closings
Total Sales Volume
$ 0
Total Grossed Closed
$ 0

What is RAMP?

RAMP provides a balanced overview of real estate essentials to help you RAMP up your business and become an all-star agent.

It’s perfect for brand-new agents who are brand new to the business and anyone else who is looking to refresh and refocus their approach!

Do You Want To Grow?

With millions of people out of work, uncertainty in the workplace, there are massive opportunities to attract new and experienced agents to RE/MAX!  
Every broker has the choice to dig in and play survivor or ramp up their recruiting to prepare for the massive bounce that is about to happen.

July 8, 2020

Recruiting and Retaining Top Performers

– Today’s method of recruiting against discounters, flat fee, and zero cost brokerage

August 5, 2020

Brokerage Profitability without Personal Production

– Understanding where you are and making course corrections to be profitable

September 9, 2020

Cut Through the Noise

– Relieve the pressure of leading and managing the brokerage.

October 14, 2020

Growing in a Highly Competitive Market

– Recruiting against the worst business models


Each day using the Workman Success Systems recruiting sheet, your total points for the day will be calculated and posted to the Agent Attraction Accelerator dashboard and shared on our leaderboard.
This helps keep you extra accountable and will motivate you to stay on track and to talk a little smack with your friends in other offices.

Winning and attracting agents that stay longterm perform !

What you will be tracking

Number of Conversations

Number of Appointments

Number of Recruiting Appointments Kept

Number of Agents Who Signed Up

Number of Agents Lost

Total DSH Points


1. DSH points will be submitted weekly

2. All numbers will be verified (DSH by Workman and Recruiting by RE/MAX INTEGRA)

3. Prizes will be won through drawings. For each new recruit, the brokerage will earn 1 entry to the drawing


-Class Price Goes Here-

Have you scheduled your custom Coaching Consultation yet?