Compete in a 120 Day Listing Challenge brought to you by Workman Success Systems and become a HERO!

This challenge will push you to double your listings in the next 120 days!

Become an economic hero!

In the first quarter of 2020, the economy shrank due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Real Estate Teams and Agents can be economic heroes by bringing listings to the market! This will increase sales, cause economic growth, and lead the GDP back successfully.

Week 1

Boost seller and buyer confidence.

– Don’t let them get their real estate news from other sources.

Week 2

Ease seller and buyer emotional concerns.

– Use the 6 steps of Emotional Communication to craft your own story.

Week 3

Master your pre-listing and listing process.

– If you don’t have a system in place, you will struggle to keep up.

Week 4-5

Deliver top-notch services both in-person and virtually.

– Almost anything that can be done in person, can now be done virtually.

Week 5-12

Grow your listing inventory to kick the market into action.

– each week you must earn a minimum of 61 Daily Success Habits Points per day.

Enter your weekly tracking numbers

Each week using the 120 Day Listing App, post your total points. The results will be tabulated and posted to the app Leaderboards.

This helps keep you extra accountable and will motivate you to stay on track to see how you are doing against your other teammates.

What you will be tracking

Total DSH Points

Listing Appointments Set

Listing Appointments Completed

New Listings Count

New Listings Dollar Volume

Listings Sold Count

Listings Sold Dollar Volume

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